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Professional Portfolio
This is a personal professional portfolio design and build to showcase my UX/UI design projects and web development work.
concept design
UX/UI Designer
Web Developer
Personal Portfolio: Design + Build
My personal professional portfolio was a solo build
Build Breakdown
My personal portfolio was developed with full CRUD
It is fully responsive for all devices.
glitches are still being managed, so thank you for your patience!
FrontEnd tools:
React Hooks
- React Context
CSS tricks:
Styled Components
Build created and hosted via Netlify​​​​​​
View the source code on github
Fun CSS Moment
I really pushed myself with some of the css elements on my portfolio, mainly because many of them became much trickier during the responsive css process.​
I am most excited by my hover boxes on my gallery page because I was able to achieve the masking effect during the expand animation. It was exactly what I had in mind, which is really gratifying. ​
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